Rapid Prototyping & Agile Development - Intro

Why is it so hard to keep up with updating a blog... So many times I start typing something to just to find out that I do not have enough / proper resources to support my argument to get my point across. Yeah.. 40 hits in last 3 months does not sound too motivating either. Maybe my attempts to write a research paper instead of a journal entry sure is not helping either.
Enough of my bull shit excuses..

What is Rapid Prototyping
Name says it all.. Rapid Prototyping. You rapidly build prototype in early stage of the project for instant user experience observation, early feedback, and supporting IA documents.

Lately, I have been using Fireworks to build several prototypes for the last three projects I have been invovled with. The prototype was not a deliverable, yet I figured that one day effort to build a prototype could save a week long of discussion and conversation between the design team and stake holders. The method also shined during knowledge transfer stage of the project from UI team to the visual design team. While developing those prototypes using Fireworks, I also recognized another potential for this great tool. This could potentially change the way we (well.. I) do the bjusiness.

Well.. I promise to write some more on this topuc. Share