Blogging - Shorter the Better?

Little twitter conversation between myself and Sam Lawrence, CMO from Jive Software.

It started with his quick complaint

SamLawrence: ' Most blog posts are too long.'

Then I replied with

Djteknokid: 'I agree but with short amount of content, it is hard to write a blog with significant information to draw crowd? I maybe wrong. '

SamLawrence: 'No sense on an ideal length for blog post other than, "keep shit bite-sized and twitter-like in their efficiency." We all have ADD, right?'

I kinda doubt that it’s the length of blog that turns the audience away. It is very easy to point finger at the quality of the blog, but that is something that everyone is aware of.

How to Improve?
I am far below average blogger and a writer. But I have read numerous books on ‘Writing for the Web’ and ‘Contents & Web Usability’. What many bloggers forget is that the blog entry they post should also follow the web writing guidelines. Often times, people believe that blogging is free form of writing style that does not have to follow any rules. But.. you are still writing for the web, aren’t you?

Hell No
I am in no position of lecturing anyone when it comes to writing.. so here are some helpful links for tips. Share