Focusing on the User's Need - Gangnam Style Halloween

So as you all know I have started this little project. Hopefully this thing becomes successful and I will be able to come up with some profit, however, the money is not the real reason why I started this project. I just wanted to test myself after the failure I had with my first start up. I truly believe that Gangnam Style will be the hottest style during Halloween and if I can't successfully market this item, I have to question my ability as a marketer.

Couple things I am going to do differently with this project.
1. Focus on the Customer's need instead of my profit.
 - I have been preaching to people that if you cover the customer's need, you will see the profit going up. This is the same idea of focusing on intrinsic motivation instead of the extrinsic motivation. This means that I need to start thinking what the customers really want during the Halloween. The answer was easy to find. I need to provide them not only the perfect replica of the Gangnam Style Tuxedo, but also provide them how to do the dance, hair, and how to have Psy's swag.
2. Focus on the content rather than Keyword / FB marketing
- This is same idea as the first one. Focus more on what's important... This sounds like the inbound marketing!

I will continue to update my status.. meanwhile...  Dress Classy, Dance Cheesy! Share